The Inside Revolver (IWB)

The Inside Revolver (IWB)


The Inside Revolver - Inside the Waistband (IWB) Holster,  is an extremely low profile, slim, concealment holster with a built-in tensioner.  The standard model comes in black kydex, with a J-Clip.  Customers can change color for an additional cost. 

If you are looking for a deeper carry, check out "The Undercover (Tuckable)" in the firearm holster options (The Undercover gives you different J-clip size options, and an adaptor option to bring the J-clip towards the center of the holster, as well as, gives you the ability to adjust the cant). 


          1)  E and F swatches with a center picture, like the Spartan, Skull, Thin Blue Line, etc... these patterns will be in the bend of the holster, please check the  "Inside the Waistband" gallery before ordering to ensure you like how those patterns are displayed. 
